Never buy from a shop which doesn’t put its prices on the
window. Never buy on the internet from a vendor who asks you to contact him for
a quotation. Why is that? The answer is to be found in the
theory of asymmetric information, for which George Akerlof, Michael
Spence and Joseph Stiglitz won the 1971 Nobel Prize in economics. In simple
words, the seller knows more than you do about the product he is trying to sell
you, and he is counting on his good salesmanship skills to sell it to you at a
price above the one you would be prepared to pay, were you to know the things
that he does. The English have an expression for an untrustworthy person: “would
you buy a secondhand car from him?”, they ask. The pioneering work on the
theory of asymmetric information is Akerlof’s 1970 paper “The Market for Lemons:
Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism”,
Quarterly Journal of Economics 84: 353–374. Although the example
Akerlof used was also from the secondhand car market (“lemon” is American slang for
a bad car), the theory has found important applications in finance; medical
insurance; crime prevention; industrial concentration; and much more. In the
latter field, Akerlof and his coauthor, Janet Yellen, have also carried out
groundbreaking work on pricing in concentrated industries. Incidentally,
Yellen, the current chairperson of the
Federal Reserve System, is Akerlof’s
wife. Apparently, George knew something others didn’t, for Janet proved not to
be a
lemon after all… HH
PS: Two related expressions, also English, are cases in point.
The first comes from banking: “bad money drives good money out”. The second is
often quoted in third party liability insurance markets in shipping (P&I Clubs): “I don’t
want to be member in a club which wants me as a member”.
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